What is Sunday School?

Sunday School consists of one hour classes, held every Sunday morning at 9:30am. (when the gate is unlocked and generally during the school term). Children must be picked up by 10:30am. During the year a picnic is organised at a local park and a games morning is also a normal part of the yearly program  Near the end of each year the Sunday School has a special get together that generally includes a Bible play and other entertainment by the students. All parents are especially invited to this event.

Who attends?

Any school age children can come to Sunday School. And the older students (young adults) sometimes continue coming even after they have finished at school. Students can start Sunday School from about age 4. Any children can come, not just the children of church members. Parents are welcome to stay during Sunday School.

What is taught?

Stories and principles from throughout the whole of the Bible and especially the life of Jesus Christ. We generally use the New King James version of the Bible, A Bible is given to each student of an age able to read it. Students are encouraged to read and question for themselves, and to ask their parents and teachers. God’s love toward all people is clearly seen from the Bible, and all students are encouraged to develop their relationship with God.

Why attend?

Some students come because they told their parents they wanted to come along. Others come because their parents want their kids to have a foundation in a Christian education. Either way, lessons learned in Sunday School lay the groundwork enabling young adults to make important choices in their lives informed by the teachings of Jesus Christ, and God’s plan for all people.

What does it cost?

Sunday school is free to you and your kids. All costs for the running of the Sunday School, books, craft etc are borne by the church.

Who runs it?

Sunday School is run by members of the Sutherland Christadelphians (meaning family of Christ), reporting to the church management committee. The Sunday School and the church have a strong commitment to child safety.

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